Every time someone asks for marketing advice, no matter who they are I give them the same suggestions. Why? Because only knowing the 30 seconds of information they gave me before hand these two things work for every situation. It’s nearly foolproof.
Put Out Content
Content marketing is the process of creating and sharing valuable and free content. When you put out content it gives you visibility and reaffirms your authority. Often times this means starting a blog. Blogs have been around awhile and people are familiar with the concept, but it doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t even have to be words, it could be animations, cartoons, a podcast, or providing your thoughts on snapchat.
@fjdailynews recaps each day’s headlines on instagram with a photo and quick summary.
Rand Fishkin, founder of Moz, has has a video series called Whiteboard Friday where every Friday he walks through various SEO techniques.
@menshealthmag put out quick instagram video of circuits, stretches for mobility, and exercise you might not have thought to try yet.
Everyone has has something to talk about, even if you think you don’t, you do. Good places to what are questions you hear a lot, what are myths you hear a lot. The key is keeping it relevant to your audience. Content falls into two categories informative or entertaining. Know which one fits your brand, and fits what your audience wants.
Facebook Ads
People tell Facebook a lot about themselves, and therefore Facebook knows a lot about people. You told Facebook how old you were, where you live, where you work, and what you like. In turn, that makes it targeting people on the platform very easy and highly effective.
Few things beat the effectiveness or cost of Facebook ads. You want to reach dads who live in Wisconsin, who like soccer, and are accountants? Facebook lets you.
Want to make sure people see your content, or sign up for your promotion? Use Facebook Ads.
Measure & Test
I’m not sure measuring and testing are tactics, but not matter your strategy they should they should be something you do. Almost everything can be A/B tested or measured in some way.
After your have a few blog posts in several categories you think might be relevant to your audience see which categories perform best. Which Twitter posts get the most engagement? Which headline gets the high click-through-rate? If you aren’t measuring and testing you marketing you can’t learn.
No matter your industry, no matter your target, putting out content works. When it comes to promoting your content, no current platform comes close to the reach, targeting capabilities, or effectiveness of Facebooks ad platform.
Lastly, test and measuring everything you do. Learn from it and adjust.
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